Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Assignment 3


This trouble I see in the nation
Its no longer about separation
Conformity is what I see
There is no difference between you and me
We're all the same
But unique in our own way
We don't appreciate our differences
So we'll put up our defenses
The front that is our mental wall
That hides us all
Untrue to each other
Unable to trust one another
Can't show our expressions
Thoughts are on suppression
Lives revolve around perfection
So long to this style of drones
I won't become one of these clones

Unknown Path

I walk down this path, I don't know where it goes
I don't know I don't know I don't know
I wonder if people walk down this path or if they make their own path
I don't know I don't know don't know
Where am I headed down this path?
I want to know I want to know I want to know
Why do I continue down this path?
I keep walking but I don't know why
I keep walking but I don't know why
Where am I going now?
Today I hope to find out where this path goes
Do I have to walk down this path alone?
To a place I don't know
This path I continue to follow